
Tested Retail Selling (Digital Copy)

Original price was: $ 11.95.Current price is: $ 7.45.

When Elmer Wheeler’s first book TESTED SENTENCES THAT SELL was published, it met with instant success. It revealed his unique formula and techniques for creating and using his famous “tested selling sentences” that have skyrocketed sales for scores of his clients. His library of 115,000 word combinations and surefire “sizzle” selling methods have been tested on over 23,000,000 people at the point of sale.

Because Wheeler’s telegraphic “sizzle” methods are particularly suited for over the counter selling, requests poured in from retail stores all over the country for a book that would show retail salespeople how to use his methods in their work.

TESTED RETAIL SELLING is Wheeler’s answer. It is a book written expressly for retail store executives and salespeople who are interested in BIGGER SALES. It contains the results of Wheeler’s research on retailing and his experiences in testing his techniques in such stores as R.H. Macy’s, Bloomingdales, The May Stores, Abraham and Straus, Sears, Roebuck and Company, W.T. Grant, Schulte United Retail Stores as well as numerous drug and grocery chain store organizations. Not only will you find in this book hundreds of examples of sentences that sell in retail stores, but you will be taught how to build “tested selling sentences” of your own.

You will learn how to quote prices tactfully, how to handle with the right words the “looker.” the “walk out,” the “hesitant buyer, and the “clam.”

You will find sentences to overcome price objections, to get customers to carry their own small packages, to handle complaints–and to cut down on “returns.”

This book will also show you how to sell EXTRA ITEMS and how to increase the average sale.

The famous Wheeler sales techniques are so simple, so flexible, so fundamental that they can be readily applied with equal success in selling anything. They are just as effective for selling a kitchen gadget as an expensive fur coat!

You will see, for example, how one Wheeler tested selling sentence sold 30,000,000 square clothes pins in the W.T. Grant Stores….how four little words increased sales of white shoe polish 300% for the Hecht Company of Washington D.C….how five words proved sales magic in selling white shirts.

Whether you are a sales clerk, merchandising manager, buyer, credit manager, or advertising manager in a retail store, you will find in this book many practical ideas that you can use profitably in your work.

Wheeler’s methods have been thoroughly tested!
They work!
